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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Entertainment online.

Entertainment can be found online on various websites which are accessible to everyone. Entertainment in general is seen as any activity which provides amusement to people.
There are various types of entertainment that can be found online, such as:
  • Games.
  • Videos.
  • eRadio.
  • Television.
  • Images.
- eRadio provides an online service in which you can listen to radio stations online. Many radio stations provide live streaming. To be able to experience eRadio, internet connection and certain software is needed.
An advantage of eRadio is that you can listen to any radio station anywhere you are. For example, www.e-radio.gr allows you to listen to radio from Greece in any other country (there is also e-radio UK and e-radio cyprus).
A disadvantage of eRadio is that the radio company must invest in much more expensive receiving equipment.

- Watching video's online is a quick and easy task, as long as internet connection, and the correct media software is installed, websites such as www.youTube.com allow users to upload and watch video's online for free. If a video has been uploaded, it is avaliable for anyone to watch if they have access to it.
An advantage of watching video's online is that it is quick and easy and can be very entertaining.
A disadvantage of watching video's online is that a viewer can never be completely sure as to what the video is about.

Source: http://www.google.com/search?sclient=psy&hl=en&q=define3Aentertainment&aq=f&aqi=g4g-o1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&pbx=1

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